Veganarchism or vegan anarchism, is the political philosophy of veganism and anarchism, creating a combined praxis that is designed to be a means for social revolution. This encompasses viewing the state and capitalism, as well as hierarchical structures in general, as unnecessary and harmful to animals, both human and non-human, whilst practicing a vegan lifestyle. It is either perceived as a combined theory, or that both philosophies are essentially the same.
It is further described as an anti-speciesist perspective on green anarchism, or an anarchist perspective on animal liberation.
Ecologica Podcast - Veganarchy
We are thrilled to share that Veganarchy was invited as a guest speaker on the Ecologica podcast. Listen again to the podcast of January 26th, 2024, were we had some insightful discussions!
In this session, we cover a wide range of topics related to animal rights, veganism, anarchism, and social justice. Join us as we explore issues such as intersectionality, biocentrism, speciesism, and the self-awareness of animals. We'll also discuss the animal rights movement in Belgium, the frustrations of current nitrogen policies, and the harsh reality of the dairy industry.
But that's not all! We'll also touch on housing rights, asylum and migration policy, and citizen participation in Antwerp. And of course, we'll feature some great music from artists such as Good Clean Fun, Propagandhi, Hard Voor Weinig, and Rudimentary Peni.
Stay tuned for upcoming events and more info about Veganarchy, and we hope you didn't miss our Punk & Drag Show on February 3rd!
We zijn verheugd te delen dat Veganarchy is uitgenodigd als gast spreker op de Ecologica podcast. Luister opnieuw naar de podcast van 26 januari 2024, waar we enkele inzichtelijke discussies hadden!
In deze sessie behandelen we allerlei topics die verband houden met dierenrechten, veganisme, anarchisme en sociale rechtvaardigheid. Ga met ons mee terwijl we kwesties verkennen zoals intersectionaliteit, biocentrisme, speciesisme en het zelfbewustzijn van dieren. We zullen ook de dierenrechtenbeweging in België bespreken, de frustraties van het huidige stikstofbeleid en de harde realiteit van de zuivelindustrie.
Maar dat is niet alles! We zullen ook ingaan op huisvestingsrechten, asiel- en migratiebeleid en burgerparticipatie in Antwerpen. En natuurlijk is er geweldige muziek van artiesten als Good Clean Fun, Propagandhi, Hard Voor Weinig en Rudimentary Peni presenteren.
Blijf op de hoogte van aankomende evenementen en meer informatie over Veganarchy, en we hopen dat je onze Punk & Drag Show op 3 februari niet hebt gemist!
Nous sommes ravis de partager que Veganarchy a été invité en tant que conférencier invité sur le podcast Ecologica. Réécoutez le podcast du 26 janvier 2024, où nous avons eu des discussions perspicaces!
Lors de cette session, nous couvrons un large éventail de sujets liés aux droits des animaux, au véganisme, à l'anarchisme et à la justice sociale. Rejoignez-nous alors que nous explorons des questions telles que l'intersectionnalité, le biocentrisme, le spécisme et la conscience de soi des animaux. Nous discuterons également du mouvement des droits des animaux en Belgique, des frustrations des politiques actuelles concernant l'azote et de la dure réalité de l'industrie laitière.
Mais ce n'est pas tout ! Nous aborderons également les droits au logement, la politique d'asile et de migration et la participation citoyenne à Anvers. Et bien sûr, nous présenterons de la musique géniale d'artistes tels que Good Clean Fun, Propagandhi, Hard Voor Weinig et Rudimentary Peni.
Restez à l'écoute pour les événements à venir et plus d'informations sur Veganarchy, et nous espérons que vous n'avez pas manqué notre spectacle Punk & Drag le 3 février !
Thanks for watching, and don't forget to like and subscribe.
We need farmers not harmers!
The current situation surrounding the farmer protests in Belgium is complex and has multiple causes. The farmers have set up targeted blockades against the wrong targets. Instead of addressing the capitalist holding MRBB, they are holding the country and the citizens who live there hostage.
It is painful to see that the farmers are in an echo chamber created by their own interest group, the Boerenbond. This organization has close ties to the MRBB, which has an annual fortune of 5 billion.
The Boerenbond and their political appendage, the CD&V, must make way for a greener agricultural policy that phases out animal (bio) agriculture. A report on the Flemish Air Policy Plan for 2030 supports this vision, stating that emission-reducing agricultural measures are almost completely offset by an increase in the livestock population.
It is striking that N-VA remains silent on this issue, while it seems to clearly choose mega-industry and shareholders. This policy literally costs lives and is unacceptable.
It is important that more attention is paid to environmental and justice issues in the current (mis)policy and that action is taken to address these problems. This could include plant-based permaculture that can absorb greenhouse gas emissions, helps protect biodiversity and addresses injustice and food inequality.
It is worrying that policymakers have been trying to do the wrong thing in the right way for years now. If we had a little policy in the past few years, often when CD&V was not the Minister of Agriculture, immediate action was taken to reduce the livestock population and focus on sustainability and agro-ecology. Each time, these policies were met by the Boerenbond with protest because they found science "too progressive".
In addition, the government shoots itself in the foot by pursuing self-interest and party politics, as is the case with the faltering lease law (pachtwet).
A beginning farmer can no longer buy or lease land without going into a lifelong debt with the bank. They are often approached by KBC (actually just the Boerenbond) with advantageous loans if they expand sufficiently.
And now there is "suddenly" the reality and weight of the nitrogen problem, which makes all those investments worthless.
A vegetable/fruit grower earns on average a higher income in Flanders than a livestock farmer, earning between €84,300 to €135,800 annually in greenhouse horticulture.
Civil society organizations and experts have many interesting ideas about how citizens can gain more autonomy over public agricultural land. In practice, however, it appears that the government has no clear overview of which lands are available and there is no municipal alderman who can manage or allocate public agricultural land.
There are citizen collectives that buy land through crowdfunding and provide lease contracts to sustainable farmers under their own terms without the uncertainty of the capitalist market and the conflict of interest within the agro-industry.
Have an impact
A vegan lifestyle is the fastest and biggest way to have a positive impact on animal welfare, your health and the planet.

Veganism is a philosophy and moral stance that supports living in harmony with nonhuman animals and leaving them out of our food, clothing, entertainment, products, and labor. Veganism is about harm reduction.

Cruelty-free is a label for products or activities that do not harm or kill animals anywhere in the world.

Animal agriculture has a horrific impact on the planet. The most sustainable animal-based products are still much worse for the environment than the least sustainable plant-based foods.